Gaining Maximum Nutrients & Freshness from Flaxseeds

Posted in Blog, Health & Nutrition | 0 comments

Gaining Maximum Nutrients & Freshness from Flaxseeds

This subscriber-aimed post is something of a belated addendum to my last entry, which I felt was worthy of a full entry status (and submission to LORAX Community’s Vegan DIY & related Kitchen blogs) since the subject of flaxseed meal seems to have generated a great deal of interest and several readers took the time to write via various mediums. Thanks to Alena for having commented directly to the original post, and to everyone who submitted comments via social media as well as the site’s contact...

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Spicy Raw Vegan “Nacho Cheese”

Posted in Dressings, Condiments, & Sauces | 0 comments

Spicy Raw Vegan “Nacho Cheese”

Happy (nearly) Full Moon! Wouldn’t it be wild if the moon just happened to be made of (raw vegan) cheese? 😉 Whilst musing such mirthful fancies, I’ve decided that this week would be as good a time as any to share an exceedingly simple, low-fat, creamy & seemingly decadent raw vegan formulation with all of you! I’m posting a few days early (just in time for #VeganRecipeHour), since I wanted to have something up for the occasion and shall once again be working away at a client’s place...

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Photographs & Memories (+ Juicy Updates)

Posted in Random Thoughts & Inspiration | 0 comments

Photographs & Memories (+ Juicy Updates)

At Last… Juicy June is finally upon us and LORAX Community is now featuring a few of my very own juice & blended drink formulations in the latest release of 4 Seasons Zine! I am truly elated to share in such a motivatingly educational publication so lovingly curated by my dear friend and colleague Michael Ray, with whom I invite all of you to request your very own copies and participate along with us all month via social media and the Vegan DIY blog on Tumblr. Each day in June we shall be following ...

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Raw Vegan Caramel Apples

Posted in Confections & Desserts | 1 comment

Raw Vegan Caramel Apples

Trick or Treat! Hallowe’en has always been one of my favourite days of the year, especially since dressing up in costumes has always been a “thing” for me since as far back as I can recall. In fact, I can honestly remember only two instances in my lifetime where Hallowe’en has been the opposite of fun, one of which was an entire day spent in a hospital unable to walk & dealing with getting ex-rays on a shattered knee for the majority of the day following a cycling accident which...

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Raw Vegan “Butter”

Posted in Dressings, Condiments, & Sauces | 11 comments

Raw Vegan “Butter”

This raw/vegan “butter”/margarine recipe is not only quick and easy, but also free of palm & hydrogenated oils. The base is comprised of one of the healthiest (and most delicious) fats available: a very mildly flavoured, raw, unrefined coconut oil. Despite having been unable to eat any of my own experiments over the past few weeks (I have been fasting & juicing only), my “taster” assured me that this particular batch was divine and tasted “very much like salted butter.”...

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