UK Spring Dining Event: Gourmet Raw/Living, Seasonal & Wild Harvested Fare

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Happy Springtime!

Things now seem to be in full bloom, and even another retrograde period for Mercury can’t seem to stop things from forging ahead at full speed (although I sometimes wish that it would)…

A such, it seems only appropriate to announce that Alex & I have been setting up to host a two day gourmet raw/living, seasonal and wild harvested cuisine themed dining event to celebrate the season!
The event will take place at Organic Alex Vegan Kitchen Café in Colchester (Essex, CO3) on the 19th & 20th of April (this coming Friday & Saturday).

Indoor seating is limited, and all dishes shall be prepared in accordance with pre-ordered head count. As such, no advance menus had been made available in advance up to now––mainly due to the fact that many key ingredients are to be harvested/foraged/purchased in accordance with the degree of interest shown in this particular gathering.

Think of it as a slightly extended edition of one of Organic Alex’s “Freestyle Friday” events! 💃💃💃😉

Although there will surely be some old favourites on hand (a magically Spring-enhanced version of my rawganically stuffed Chicago style deep dish “pizza” pie will most certainly be present), many of our best enjoyed formulas are also in the process of being seasonally adjusted.  There will also be an exciting new drinks menu, and we fully intend to mix even more things up with intention to celebrate this incredible time of rebirth in all of its gorgeous green glory.

Thus far I have pledged to contribute the following items to the forthcoming menu:

Raw macadamia cheese plate –
A sampling of raw, live fermented artisan dairy-free cheeses, served with crackers, fruit, along with a selection of live fermented mustard & Organic Alex handcrafted sauces (all of which shall be made available for those who wish to enjoy them at home following the event).
Seasonal rawganic & wild green maki –
Delicate nori rolls, carefully filled with Spring greens, cucumber, avocado, asparagus & parsnip “tuna” salad.
RAW Chicago style deep dish pizza –
Ever so buttery, gluten free, savoury pie shell stuffed to full capacity with decadent layers raw sunflower mozzarella, organic baby spinach, pesto of wild harvested greens, marinated seasonal mushrooms, and macadamia ricotta––blanketed in a rich marinara sauce and delicately garnished with thinly sliced tomatoes, red Romano peppers, and (optional) pine nuts.
Creamy tropical lemon tart –
Delicately sweet coconut & macadamia pie shell, generously filled with
rawganically vibrant, light & velvety lemon mousse (optionally garnished with seasonal berries).

We are still in the process of developing new ideas, and generally always happy to accommodate for those with dietary restrictions who are able to book in advance with special requests. New to our offerings is a full menu of drinks––including a caffeine-free HERBAL kombucha, which features jiaogulan (gynostemma pentaphyllum) as its base! Also available are unique dry cocktails, fizzy spritzers, and some lovely “teatails” (blends of herbal infusion mixed with juice, kombucha, whatever) to make Friday & Saturday night feel like a proper Springtime celebration. 🎉🍾

Although some seating still remains available as I am writing this out, it is most advisable for most of our dining guests to book in advance––mainly as means to ensure that we may serve everyone to the best of our ability.

For more information and updates, please visit our collaborative blog/website or get in touch with Organic Alex directly to discuss event booking, menu pricing, a la carte items, etc.
We also have a Telegram community, for those who may feel inclined to use that platform.
Please be sure to subscribe in any/all of the aforementioned places for up-to-the-minute updates.

This weekend’s offering is sure to be a lovely, high-vibrational event, at which we hope to see many of you on at least one of the days!

Peace to all beings,