Preliminary Statement:
Firstly, I should likely offer some explanation to regular subscribers and visitors who may be feeling confused about the new name, logos, and relative purpose of this site:
Indeed, this -was- The Raw Veganista blog.
Yes, my lifestyle is still fully in alignment with raw/living foods in accordance with principles as outlined in Genesis 1:29.
In fact, my everyday philosophy is so very much aligned with principles of Ahimsa (non-harm), along with those which have been outlined within The Essene Gospel of Peace, that I felt compelled to rebrand in defiance to corporate co-opting of certain words and labels which I now feel inclined to avoid using––especially they relate to my personal belief system and dealings with those who may not fully understand the true meaning(s) of such as originally intended by definition.
Thus, certain changes (both in my personal life as well as our world in general) have led to the shifting of online content from place to place––rather like compartmentalisation of various elements in accordance with a number of decisions having been made in relation to business as well as personal matters.
In a nutshell:
I am no longer living in spiritual sanctuary or feel inclined to accept clients as a solitary practitioner. In fact, I have since become interconnected with someone of similar faith, philosophy, lifestyle, and vocation with whom I have come to share everything.
As such, the vast majority of my culinary activity (& relative archival efforts) have since been shifted over to a shared platform and this site is presently undergoing a great deal of transformation toward alignment with its originally intended purpose: healing, wellness, and helping others to do so as thoroughly and holistically as possible. After all, this website was originally born of my own efforts to heal, regenerate, and restore myself to full physical capacity following a life-altering injury incurred in Los Angeles whilst doing some work in Los Angeles toward building an independent food cooperative for LORAX Community outreach projects in various parts of the USA.
Following the aforementioned injury, I began to fill up loads of free (recovery/rehabilitation) time with research, coursework/general studies, and mission expansion. My rejection of pharmaceutical and surgical options led me to develop a sense of patience in relation to healing, which came as a result of an ongoing, relatively slow (by comparison to most others living within modern society) progression toward full restoration of a broken tibia and completely shattered/flattened patella.
Preceding the accident my primary means for transportation consisted of walking, cycling, trains, and buses. This meant loads and loads of busy “uptime” in my life and business(es), with very little “downtime” left over for much in the way of self-reflection or true quality time with friends, family, students, or clients. My diary was overfilled with bookings, to the point where I felt forced to micromanage family members who lived relatively nearby and still never saw me unless there was some emergency. The concept of keeping a Sabbath Day was relatively unfathomable at the time, and my own companion animals felt starved for attention. In fact, it was only due to the passing of certain close family members that I ended up travelling outside of the greater New York/tristate area in order to escape from my grief and overwhelming sense of guilt for not having spent more time with those who had passed.
Thus, having become largely incapacitated (wheelchair bound) throughout a fair portion of my healing process led me toward filling up loads of newly found “downtime” with research, reading, writing, experimenting with healing elements in the kitchen, and eventual creation of a space for sharing the latter with those who had been requesting such for some time.
To be quite honest, culinary blogging activity was initially meant to be more of an archival process which eventually evolved into a sharing platform for friends, family, students, and clients who had been asking for updates on my healing.
So many kind, encouraging souls had expressed a keen interest in my formulas, nutrition/wellness updates & information, product experiences, and sourcing that I felt somewhat obligated to create a dedicated space for experimentation logs/recipes/etc.––as well as a few personal life updates here and there for anyone who might care to know.
As my “social reach” seemed to expand a bit further than I had expected, I felt increasingly less inclined to share personal elements of my life in public spaces online.
My original attempt at expressive archival of general thoughts, social commentary, advocacy interests and such began quite some time ago (long before the birth of this platform) via the creative/media site which had originally been established during my career as a performer/presenter in the corporate (& later independent) entertainment industry. However, such content was gradually allocated to other spaces specifically designed for such rants and eventually became bottled up for similar reasons to the aforementioned.
What had once been regular contributions for LORAX Community‘s various forums (including my role as “Kitchen Mistress” for the LORAX Community Kitchen) had also been shelved for awhile, as I ended up moving abroad and experiencing a relative degree of uncertainty as to how I should move forward with such a specialised project in a new environment––especially during the very moment in time for which they had been created with intention to address (& possibly prevent).
As such, most of the aforementioned elements eventually metamorphosed into Veganarchist Kitchen & Veganarchy in the U.K. (respectively) as I worked my way through a number of personal life transformations and relative adjustments to my new life––an the new world which had been creating itself all around.
Thus, I ended up taking a rather long hiatus from culinary blogging and began to contemplate rebranding this particular site in accordance with my lifelong commitment to multi-faceted wellness work––both on myself as well as with clients, friends, and family.
In any case, it is entirely likely that this space may soon be geared primarily toward wellness endeavours (and our related clientele), whereas a fair amount of culinary content (which has been dramatically improved/upgraded over time––largely due to guilt by association 😉) shall end up being redirected toward a collaborative printed publication presently in the process of being co-authored by my partner––as well as a collective/shared space online aimed specifically toward inclusion of others bearing similar philosophy, approach to life, and non-conformist spirit.
Some original elements of Raw Veganista blog shall continue to remain archived here for the time being, and possibly updated every now and again to reflect upon new discoveries and improvements made along the way.
As ever, I am grateful to everyone who has taken time from their busy lives to read my ramblings.
Wishing you all a blissfully abundant New Year ahead (and beyond)!
Many thanks,