Feline Farewells, Dragon Dreams, & Significant (Other) Updates

Posted in Blog, Dressings, Condiments, & Sauces, Food, Random Thoughts & Inspiration, Savouries | 0 comments

Feline Farewells, Dragon Dreams, & Significant (Other) Updates

Is it already time to celebrate the arrival of another new year? 🐱>🐉 🤔 The Year of The Cat was an absolutely amazing, often intense, and incredibly educational journey––despite having commenced rather peculiarly/formidably. Looking back it now feels like one of the best years I’ve had in ages, possibly ever. Even in consideration of a few (then) seemingly endless difficulties faced along the way, it actually proved to be an incredibly momentous, transformational period for me––as I suppose is meant to be...

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Spicy Raw Vegan “Nacho Cheese”

Posted in Dressings, Condiments, & Sauces | 0 comments

Spicy Raw Vegan “Nacho Cheese”

Happy (nearly) Full Moon! Wouldn’t it be wild if the moon just happened to be made of (raw vegan) cheese? 😉 Whilst musing such mirthful fancies, I’ve decided that this week would be as good a time as any to share an exceedingly simple, low-fat, creamy & seemingly decadent raw vegan formulation with all of you! I’m posting a few days early (just in time for #VeganRecipeHour), since I wanted to have something up for the occasion and shall once again be working away at a client’s place...

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Raw Vegan Korma & Spicy Aubergine Curry

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Raw Vegan Korma & Spicy Aubergine Curry

Happy Summer, friends!   Please forgive my exceptionally lengthy lapse between entries? It has indeed been awhile since my last post, mainly due to the previously mentioned camera failure/technical difficulties & general “chaos superabundance” which comes with the onset of Summer. This post was actually composed several weeks ago & saved as draft, as the featured meals were created in honour of my little Sphynx friend’s birthday. However, the post was pushed to the backburner when...

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Raw Vegan Hard Shell Tacos

Posted in Dressings, Condiments, & Sauces, Savouries | 0 comments

Raw Vegan Hard Shell Tacos

Happy Earth Week & a very warm WELCOME to the bevy of new subscribers who have recently found their way to this simple wee blog via Lorax Community events & related US Veg Week/Veg Pledge promotional activities! ❤ For me it’s difficult to believe that April is nearly over, and that we’ve already made it through an entire season of fasting, feasting, and (in the case of many, including myself) related spiritual reflection. After having failed (and how!) at my attempt to give up swearing for...

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Raw Vegan “Refried Beans”

Posted in Food, Savouries, Simple Snacks & Sundries | 0 comments

Raw Vegan “Refried Beans”

Happy New Moon in Libra!   As the scales of Libra are said to symbolise balance, what better way to increase stability and equilibrium in one’s life than to create (and maintain) ongoing patterns of mindful eating for health and positive development in all aspects of our existence? Please consider this: Our experiences on Earth are not merely limited to our own uniquely isolated perceptions of such, but more of an intricate weaving of collective evolution and molecular events which cumulatively affect...

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