Raw Vegan Korma & Spicy Aubergine Curry

Posted in Food, Savouries | 0 comments

Raw Vegan Korma & Spicy Aubergine Curry

Happy Summer, friends!   Please forgive my exceptionally lengthy lapse between entries? It has indeed been awhile since my last post, mainly due to the previously mentioned camera failure/technical difficulties & general “chaos superabundance” which comes with the onset of Summer. This post was actually composed several weeks ago & saved as draft, as the featured meals were created in honour of my little Sphynx friend’s birthday. However, the post was pushed to the backburner when...

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In Memoriam

Posted in Random Thoughts & Inspiration | 0 comments

In Memoriam

Despite an abundance of elaborate recipe shares and various documentations of food experimentation found on this site’s blog (as well as my alternative blog on Tumblr, Instagram, Facebook, & other social media profiles), most of the time I actually prefer the sweet simplicity of fresh organic fruit in rudimentary form during the peak of its season. Yesterday, on what would have been my dearly beloved Godfather’s 92nd birthday, I received a lovely surprise whilst enjoying some of life’s...

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Ardour Vernalis

Posted in Random Thoughts & Inspiration | 0 comments

Ardour Vernalis

Oh… My… Goodness! Life has been a bit of a whirlwind since Spring began & the new site was launched. Not only have I been experiencing a great deal of online influx for me to deal with (for which I am grateful), but also quite a bit more to do outside and within… As mentioned in previous posts, the majority of April was spent water fasting, cleansing, and re-entering the realm of caloric intake through extensive juicing. I was able to focus a great deal of energy on my studies (yet another...

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