Pumpkinseed & Macadamia Nut Pesto

Posted in Soups & Starters | 1 comment

Pumpkinseed & Macadamia Nut Pesto

Ingredients: • Basil – 1 large bunch (preferably Genovese, though lemon basil or a blend of the two could also work quite well) • Pumpkin seeds, raw, green variety – ½ C to 1C • Macadamia nuts – ½ C to 1 full Cup (these should near-match the amount of pumpkinseeds used and will be added in gradually, so please adjust measurements according to your own flavour & texture preferences) • Garlic or garlic scapes – 2-4 (or according to personal preferences) • Extra virgin olive oil...

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Wasabi Aioli

Posted in Dressings, Condiments, & Sauces | 0 comments

Wasabi Aioli

  This recipe has been donated to Lorax Community, who are more than happy to share raw, organic, & Ahimsa dishes meals with the world. Please pop over to the Lorax Community Kitchen blog to view this formulation in its entirety, along with additional instructions for building a gorgeous salad with delicious cabbage. Seriously, it’s simply incredible how fabulous wasabi and cabbage taste together! Whilst over there, please consider subscribing to their feed (I contribute there whenever I am able)...

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