Conciousness & Sustainability for ALL
Happy Summertime, friends!? I’ve been in and out of hiatus for awhile (not online so much, as I’m sure many have noticed), and just now finding a moment to mention a bit of what I’ve been up to! For those who haven’t already heard, today (Sunday the 17th of July, 2016) I’ll be presenting a live raw/living/wild food workshop & speaking with my friends Lauren & Ande from Lola’s Botanicals in an open discussion about “Consciousness & Sustainability for All”...
Read MoreProduct Review/WARNING: Vedica Organics Dried Chickpeas
I’m back! Sort of…(?) Just now re-finding my way back online, gradually, after an exceptionally long period of having absolutely no access to functional electronic devices. This lengthy bout of away, hereby dubbed the “Great Technology Meltdown of 2016”, followed by the premature demise of a dear friend, fellow vegan/advocate, and colleague (of sorts) also led to a subsequent loss of desire to post anything of late since life offline has been so very overwhelming. However, I’m...
Read MorePhotographs & Memories (+ Juicy Updates)
At Last… Juicy June is finally upon us and LORAX Community is now featuring a few of my very own juice & blended drink formulations in the latest release of 4 Seasons Zine! I am truly elated to share in such a motivatingly educational publication so lovingly curated by my dear friend and colleague Michael Ray, with whom I invite all of you to request your very own copies and participate along with us all month via social media and the Vegan DIY blog on Tumblr. Each day in June we shall be following ...
Read MoreMindful Mothers Day: Garden Love & Pesto Hints
Happy Mothers Day to all mother sentient beings! Originally I had planned for today’s post to be about kimchee, as a response to many requests and also my Mothers Day gift for 4 special ladies (Mary Ann, Dee Dee, Nancy, & Mum) who have nurtured and enriched my life in so many ways over the years. ♡ However, I managed to completely space out one of the most vital ingredients whilst revelling in the midst of the blissful chaos of this past week’s veganniversary/solar return activities. No ginger =...
Read MoreArdour Vernalis
Oh… My… Goodness! Life has been a bit of a whirlwind since Spring began & the new site was launched. Not only have I been experiencing a great deal of online influx for me to deal with (for which I am grateful), but also quite a bit more to do outside and within… As mentioned in previous posts, the majority of April was spent water fasting, cleansing, and re-entering the realm of caloric intake through extensive juicing. I was able to focus a great deal of energy on my studies (yet another...
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