Spicy Nori Cracker Tostadas

Posted in Food, Savouries, Simple Snacks & Sundries | 0 comments

Spicy Nori Cracker Tostadas

  This is it! My third and final installment in this tribute series to celebrate harvest season, new moon in Libra, Mum’s appearance day, and also the rapidly approaching two year anniversary of one of my most treasured friendships. Continuing along the bright path of sunflowers & sea vegetables, this post shall incorporate a third and vitally essential element in this ongoing succession of social media & student request fulfillments for simple savoury recipes: Avocados. If you have not done so...

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Vanilla Mint Ice Cream

Posted in Confections & Desserts | 2 comments

Vanilla Mint Ice Cream

It is now July, and our lovely little garden is even more lush, vibrant, and productive than ever.   Despite all of the time I have been spending in the kitchen and caring for plants, it also seems as if activity on my blog, inbox, and social streams has also been increasing immensely by the day… Each time I look in to say hello, I find even more friendly comments from lovely new people asking questions and offering positive words of gratitude.   I have been feeling so blessed and grateful for...

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Avocado Pesto

Posted in Dressings, Condiments, & Sauces | 0 comments

Avocado Pesto

After 30+ days into my Lenten fast from tree nuts, I’ve found myself simplifying meal preparation by using fewer ingredients requiring of less processing. Thanks to my absolute favourite farm-direct source for fresh fruit (via Lorax Community’s weekly food cooperative) I found myself with MANY avocados on my hands – many of them ripening simultaneously! As such, I felt it wise to use several at once in various new ways and so… Avocado pesto was created. Ingredients 2 ripe avocados (skinned...

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Hot Chocolate Pudding

Posted in Confections & Desserts | 0 comments

Hot Chocolate Pudding

Happy Lunar New Year! Since I rarely eat sweets (or post recipes for such), I thought I might mix things up a bit with a special treat for my readers. In this entry I will be combining a rare raw dessert recipe with reviews and links for some great products which are available now and should absolutely not be missed. All of the items mentioned and linked from this article are things used in the recipes, right down to the letter. Since I have worked hard to find the best organic produce available anywhere at the...

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Peaceful Red Dragon – Spicy HOT Raw Vegan Chili

Posted in Savouries | 0 comments

Peaceful Red Dragon – Spicy HOT Raw Vegan Chili

Autumn harvest is truly a blessing for those of us who find ourselves hopelessly devoted to gardens or nurseries overflowing with a colourful & abundant array of peppers – especially if one happens to enjoy some of the more piquant varieties! As some may have surmised from the plating images in this post, I am indeed one of those zany people who enjoys filling avocado halves with various foodstuffs. However, I also strongly believe in use of the cooling power of avocados to its best advantage by...

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