2015 Year End Update – KitchenAid Joy & A Fond Farewell

Posted in Product Reviews, Random Thoughts & Inspiration | 0 comments

2015 Year End Update – KitchenAid Joy & A Fond Farewell

Greetings, dear ones. I humbly ask forviveness after oodles of über inactivity & virtual quietude having spanned a course of many moons. Once again, our old friend Impermanence has profoundly affected each and every aspect of my life in a relatively Earth shattering fashion. The seemingly sudden illness and subsequent loss of a parent (then handling nearly all aspects of the aftermath almost entirely on my own) has rather taken its toll on my heart and subsequent creativity/inclination to share outwardly....

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Raw Vegan “Refried Beans”

Posted in Food, Savouries, Simple Snacks & Sundries | 0 comments

Raw Vegan “Refried Beans”

Happy New Moon in Libra!   As the scales of Libra are said to symbolise balance, what better way to increase stability and equilibrium in one’s life than to create (and maintain) ongoing patterns of mindful eating for health and positive development in all aspects of our existence? Please consider this: Our experiences on Earth are not merely limited to our own uniquely isolated perceptions of such, but more of an intricate weaving of collective evolution and molecular events which cumulatively affect...

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