A multitude of beings on Earth are completely enamoured with the sun, and many of us (myself included) have a tendency to become a bit overexcited by the mere thought of this amazing source of pure light and energy. Anyone who has been acquainted with me for long enough generally knows me as an avid sun worshipper (though I may very well put equal energy into the moon), which happens to ring true for various reasons. Firstly, what’s NOT to get excited about when it comes to our very best source for warmth, light energy, and nutrient provision for ALL beings on Earth? Let’s face it, all living entities rely on the sun in some way or another. Who or what else could possibly provide us with such pure radiance, cleansing, massive energy stores, and collaborative ability to heal through absorption of essential nutrients?

My beautiful feline sister, enjoying the warmth and radiant light of solar energy.
I have always seen the Sun as being something of a collective of consciousness, perhaps even a conscious entity in and unto itself. Ever since childhood, it has appeared to me as if when Earthlings (plants, animals, etc.) send adoration toward the Sun, we also receive the power to heal – via food, photosynthesis, assimilation of nutrient energy, etc.
The sun also appears to possess some incredible ability to send and attract a massive amounts of positive energy – quite commonly transfered between those of us who rely upon solar radiation for growth, healing, and regeneration – providing our bodies with Vitamin D (which is essential for generation and maintenance of PMA & gratitude in our everyday lives) and various other vital nutrients.
Countless numbers of conscious beings also seem readily able to harvest and invoke the power of the sun and become warm, radiant, giving entities through ingestion of sun food in the very best form: organic plant matter. I am grateful to be amongst these beings, and also in keeping such great company with so many others of varying species on this planet.
I seriously have a thing for sunflowers, and one of my primary nutritional sources of choice just so happens to come from these wonderful transporters of amazing solar energy – the seeds! I am forever filled with gratitude for my ability to enjoy raw seeds and nuts as viable sources of concentrated solar energy. Each and every seed contains the potential to sprout, grow, and transform into a brand new living entity who will also rely on sun energy as a lifesource… I find this utterly amazing! Sunflower seeds are one of the ultimate sun foods, and one of Earth’s finest sources of solar energy.
Thus, it is my pleasure and privilege to share with you my recipe for creamy raw vegan Sunflower Ranch blend for dressings and dips:
Simple Raw Vegan Sunflower Ranch (Dip & Dressing)

Sunflower Ranch Dressing
- 1 Cup raw organic sunflower seeds (mine are USA grown, sourced from small organic family farms by Living Tree Community Foods) – soaked & partially sprouted
- Fresh juice from 1 organic lemon
- 3/4-1 Cup pure water (more may be added gradually, to achieve desired consistency)
- 1 – 1.5 tsp dried dill
- 1 tsp Celtic sea salt (or to taste)
- Place sunflower seeds, lemon juice, salt, and 1/2 cup water in Vitamix (or similar high-speed blender).
- Blend at high speed until relatively smooth
- Gradually add more water (take it slowly!) so as to achile desired consistency (more dressing, less for dip)
- Add dill, blending briefly at a lower speed to incorporate throughout mixture
- Serve, enjoy, and store any leftovers in refrigerator (for up to 1 week).
Incredible post!
Such a beautiful homage to our most vital star, and great information about sunflowers – especially to share with children!
We also love the recipe, which has been used in our home as both dip and dressing. Thank you!
I have been a raw vegan for 2 weeks now, 95% anyway. The other 5% is cooked veges. Mostly organic, all gluten free and grain free. I make a similar dressing recipe with organic raw sunflower oil instead of water. I use thyme and garlic. Will try dill for seasoning instead. Thanks for the inspiration. I am growing sunflowers in the veg gardens at my ranch in southeastern California. They also come up everywhere from last year’s seeds in other locations. My bees gather nectar and pollen from them too.
Hi Penny,
Thank you so much sharing for your positivity and enthusiasm! Your gardens sound amazing, and I also love to grow sunflowers for the bees who come around to visit my garden. It encourages them to stop by often, which means more pollenating for the rest of the gardens (resulting in higher crop yields)! =)
Regarding the dressing/dip –
I have found that after soaking the seeds to the point of sprouting, the mixture becomes smooth and creamy enough so no additional oil is needed. Sunflower seeds have so much naturally occurring oil that I’m personally not inclined to blend in more oil (which is why I add more water instead). Even raw oils have been refined in some manner in order to extract them from the whole source, and I try to keep my “everyday” dietary intake as whole and simply digested as possible. For me that means getting my daily fat requirements mainly in the form of superfresh sources such as avocados, soaked nuts and seeds.
Garlic and thyme are also lovely complimentary flavours for salads, and I have occasionally included those in my “Green Goddess” formulations. Since I generally don’t care to eat bulbs of garlic (though I do adore seasonal scapes), I usually stick to this variation because it’s simple and easy for me to use during most seasons. Also, dill is such a delicate flavour that I’ve found it’s often easy to overpower.
I’m so pleased you enjoyed my post and hope you enjoy the blissful simplicity of dill. Congrats on your transition, and may your ongoing journey remain happy, healthy, and FUN! =)