Raw Cacao Crunch Bars

Posted in Confections & Desserts, Food, Simple Snacks & Sundries | 0 comments

Raw Cacao Crunch Bars

Happy Spring! I know it’s been ages, and that is mainly because I’ve been on hiatus. Having lived quite simply through the Winter, these days I eat mostly simple fruits and home fermentations whilst focusing my energy on coursework, counselling, and a few other projects. That said, it became rather imperative for me to make a point of arranging something extra special for my Vernal Equinox blog post (you deserve it, and I am so grateful), despite still living in a sort of Luddite bliss with neither a...

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Spiced Orange Cacao Sesame Orbs

Posted in Confections & Desserts | 0 comments

Spiced Orange Cacao Sesame Orbs

Although I rarely seem to experience cravings for non-fruit sweets, for some reason I recently felt like making/eating something with a confectionery, bread/donut-esque consistency… Upon wandering into the kitchen & perusing my culinary arsenal, I discovered a huge mass of sesame seeds, along with a fair amount of coconut butter, cinnamon, and some other key elements. After a few moments of mad kitchen science and food processor play… Spiced orange cacao & sesame orbs were born! Ingredients 1 Tbsp...

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