Corned Beetroot

Posted in Food, Random Thoughts & Inspiration, Savouries, Simple Snacks & Sundries | 0 comments

Corned Beetroot

Erm… WHAT and cabbage?   Strange as it may sound, I honestly had no idea what “corned beef” was, or how such a thing was made, until just a few short weeks ago. I suppose it’s possible that some morbid curiosity at the name was what led me to sit still for long enough to find out… Cheers for the cringes, Food Network! ๐Ÿ˜› Perhaps that’s only to be expected from someone who never really engaged in consumption of such things (though I can hardly believe that my 25th...

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Spicy Raw Vegan “Nacho Cheese”

Posted in Dressings, Condiments, & Sauces | 0 comments

Spicy Raw Vegan “Nacho Cheese”

Happy (nearly) Full Moon! Wouldn’t it be wild if the moon just happened to be made of (raw vegan) cheese? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Whilst musing such mirthful fancies, I’ve decided that this week would be as good a time as any to share an exceedingly simple, low-fat, creamy & seemingly decadent raw vegan formulation with all of you! I’m posting a few days early (just in time for #VeganRecipeHour), since I wanted to have something up for the occasion and shall once again be working away at a client’s place...

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