Pomegranate White Chocolate Fudge

Posted in Confections & Desserts, Food | 0 comments

Pomegranate White Chocolate Fudge

  Happy November! Is it just my imagination, or did October pass by with extraordinary speed? Although I am most attached to Summer, October has always carried a feeling akin to “Summer’s last breath.” For me, Hallowe’en is not only a celebration of harvest season, but also the harbinger of Winter Solstice… The very last celebration of life itself, just preceding the moment when everything goes into extreme hibernation mode until the arrival of Spring Equinox. In my mind,...

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Spiced Orange Cacao Sesame Orbs

Posted in Confections & Desserts | 0 comments

Spiced Orange Cacao Sesame Orbs

Although I rarely seem to experience cravings for non-fruit sweets, for some reason I recently felt like making/eating something with a confectionery, bread/donut-esque consistency… Upon wandering into the kitchen & perusing my culinary arsenal, I discovered a huge mass of sesame seeds, along with a fair amount of coconut butter, cinnamon, and some other key elements. After a few moments of mad kitchen science and food processor play… Spiced orange cacao & sesame orbs were born! Ingredients 1 Tbsp...

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Hot Chocolate Pudding

Posted in Confections & Desserts | 0 comments

Hot Chocolate Pudding

Happy Lunar New Year! Since I rarely eat sweets (or post recipes for such), I thought I might mix things up a bit with a special treat for my readers. In this entry I will be combining a rare raw dessert recipe with reviews and links for some great products which are available now and should absolutely not be missed. All of the items mentioned and linked from this article are things used in the recipes, right down to the letter. Since I have worked hard to find the best organic produce available anywhere at the...

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